Posts Tagged ‘Rant’

Invasive DRM systems are dangerous from a security perspective

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

In recent times, it seems to be an increasing trend for anti-copying software DRM systems to install invasive privileged software. For example, there’s the ever so infamous “Sony DRM Rootkit” that Mark Russinovich publicly exposed some time ago. Unfortunately, software like this is becoming commonplace nowadays.

Most DRM technologies tend to use unsupported and/or “fringe” techniques to make themselves difficult to understand and debug. However, more often than not, the DRM authors often get little things wrong with their anti-debug/anti-hack implementations, and when you’re running in a privileged space, “little things wrong” can translate into a security vulnerability.

Yesterday, Microsoft published a security advisory concerning a privileged DRM system (Macrovision’s SafeDisc, secdrv.sys) that happened to have a security bug in it. Security bugs in privileged parts of DRM code are certainly nothing new in this day and age, but what makes this case interesting is that here, Microsoft shipped the affected code with the operating system since Windows XP. To make matters worse, the code (a kernel driver) is running by default on all Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003 x64 systems. (The bug is reportedly not present in the Windows Vista implementation of the driver in question.) On x64 versions of Windows, the driver even runs if you have no programs running (or even installed) that use SafeDisc. Curiously, this does not appear to be the case for x86 versions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, for which secdrv is configured as a demand start driver.

I’ve always wondered how Macrovision managed to talk Microsoft into shipping a third party, software only driver, which for x64 versions of Windows is always enabled (secdrv has, as previously mentioned, been on every Windows box since Windows XP, although it is not automatically started on x86 versions of Windows). Doing so always seemed rather… distasteful to me, but the situation becomes even more unfortunate when the code in question has a security bug (a kernel memory overwrite – local privilege escalation – bug, as far as I know). I’m sure all the Windows Terminal Server admins out there will really just love having to reboot their Windows Server 2003 x64 TS boxes because a buggy video game DRM system was shipped with the OS and is on by default, despite the fact that there’s almost zero chance that any software that would have used Macrovision would possibly ever end up on a server OS install.

In this respect, I think that DRM systems are going to be high priority targets for security bugs in this increasingly digitally-restricted world. With more and more content and software being locked up by DRM, said DRM systems become increasingly widespread and attractive targets for attack. Furthermore, from observing the seemingly never-ending wars between Sony, Macrovision, and others against persons who reverse engineer the DRM systems these companies distribute, it would seem that there is in fact already a fair amount of incentive for “unsavory” individuals to be taking these DRM systems apart, security bugs nonwithstanding.

To make matters worse, due to their extremely secretive nature, it’s highly questionable whether DRM systems get proper (and effective) code and design reviews. In fact, this point is even more worrisome (in my opinion) when one considers that software DRM systems are virtually by definition engineered to be difficult to understand (so as to be more resilient to attack through security by obscurity).

The worst thing about bugs with DRM systems is that for a “legitimate” customer that obeys the “rules” and happily installs DRM-ware on their box, they generally can’t ever mitigate the risk by simply disabling the “affected component” without breaking their DRM’d content or software (and good luck trying to ask technical support how to get the protected content to work without DRM, security bugs or not). Most ironically, “unscrupulous” individuals who have hacked around their DRM systems might be more secure in the end than paying customers, if they can access the protected content without involving the DRM system.

Now to be fair, in this case, I’d imagine most users could probably disable the secdrv driver if they wanted to (I doubt anyone running Windows Server 2003 would miss it at all, for one). Still, the fact remains that the vast majority of DRM systems are of amazingly poor quality in terms of robustness and well written code.

This is one of the reasons why I personally am extremely wary of playing games that require administrative privileges or install administrative “helper services” for non-administrative users, because games have a high incidence of including low quality anti-cheat/anti-hack/anti-copying systems nowadays. I simply don’t trust the people behind these systems to get their code right enough to be comfortable with it running with full privileges on my box. From a software security perspective, I tend to rank most DRM technologies right up there with anti-virus software and other dregs of the software security world.

Update: Changed to note that secdrv is configured as auto start only for Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003 x64. On x86 versions of these operating systems, it is a demand start driver. The reason for this discrepancy is not known, although one would tend to suspect that it is perhaps an oversight given the behavior on x86 machines.