Remote debugging with process servers (dbgsrv)

For the last few entries, I have been discussing the -server and -remote debugging mechanism.  While this remoting mechanism is good for a number of scenarios, in some cases, you want the debugger client to do the “heavy lifting” (such as managing symbols).  This does require significantly more bandwidth and is latency sensitive, but can provide advantages in several cases, such as if you are debugging a problem at a customer site live and need to access symbols, but for security reasons you can’t grant the debugger running on the customer site direct access to your internal symbol store.

The solution is to use what is called a “process server” (dbgsrv.exe) and a “smart client” (“-premote” command line parameter for the DTW debuggers).  This remoting mechanism starts a small stub server process (dbgsrv.exe) on the target computer which can accept one or more connections from debugger clients.  Once debugger clients connect, they can see a list of processes (e.g. F6 in WinDbg) on the target computer and select a process to debug.

The process server mechanism is very useful in the scenario where you need to do symbol access on your client.  It is also useful to do cross-session debugging under Terminal Server in Windows 2000, as native cross-session debugging is not supported under Windows 2000.  For that to work, you must start dbgsrv.exe under the session you want to debug processes in, and then connect to it using a DTW debugger running in your session.

Process servers are, however, much more bandwidth and latency sensitive than -server/-remote.  As a result, I would not recommend using them on a bandwidth- or latency- constrained network link.  Keep this in mind when choosing whether to use them to debug a problem on a customer site.

Also, process servers are restricted to just live user mode processes, and cannot be used to debug dump files or perform kernel debugging (like the other remoting mechanisms allow).  Additionally, you cannot have multiple remote debugger clients working on the same process like you could with -server/-remote.

Although there are some downsides (bandwidth usage and latency-sensitivity), process servers give the richest remote debugging experience for user mode processes of all of the mechanisms I have debugged thus far (provided your network connection can support this method).  Besides the ability to do local symbol access, process servers let you run custom extension DLLs locally without having to ship them to a customer site (important if you have custom extensions that you don’t necessarily want to become public, but are nonetheless useful for troubleshooting customer problems).  When you are using a process server, the full capabilities of the debugger should be available to you as if you were sitting at the remote machine and not just remote controlling a debugger, including the ability to stop debugging one remote process and switch to another just like you would with a local process.

Like -server and -remote, process servers operate through the use of a server connection string and a client connection string.  For the most part, these connection strings follow a syntax very similar to -server and -remote.  In the next installment of this series, I’ll go into detail about what you need to do in order to setup a successfull process server / smart client remote debugging session.

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