NWScript JIT engine: IR instruction raising

Previously, we learned about the high-level structure of the NWScript IR. This time, we’ll take a closer look at the IR raising phase.

The IR raising process is the domain of the NWScript analyzer component. The IR raising sequence has several distinct phases, each of which makes one pass through the logical structure of a script program:

  1. A structural analysis phase, which discovers all subroutines in the program and their parameter and return value sizes (in stack cells). The structural analysis phase also produces control flow objects as branches and branch targets are encountered. Any STORE_STATE resume labels are converted to first-class subroutines during structural analysis as well (with locals inherited from the parent subroutine promoted to parameters). We covered most the structural analysis phase last post for the most part.
  2. A code analysis phase. The code analysis phase performs the bulk of the remaining IR raising work, including creating variable objects for each distinct stack location (at a given control flow point), discovering and propagating the types of variables, discovery and creation of global variables, and actual IR generation.
  3. A post-processing phase. Unlike the other two phases, the post-processing phase operates primarily on the IR and not the NWScript instruction stream. The post-processing phase performs basic optimization on the emitted IR, such as folding of temporary variables generated by NWScript stack operations into their parent variables. Additionally, it generates various hints to JIT backend, such as whether an IR variable is written to exactly once, or whether an IR variable is written to but never read from.

At this point in the project, we executed a divide and conquer strategy; Justin wrote the code analysis and post-processing phases of the NWScript analyzer (and restructured much of what I had written for the structural analysis phase) once we had come up with a design, while I went on to implement the MSIL (.NET) JIT backend that consumed the IR.

I’ll let Justin delve into the full details of the code analysis and post-processing phases and just provide a quick summary here.

Variable stack

The code analysis phase traverses the NWScript instruction stream while maintaing a logical variable stack, that maps NWScript stack locations at the current program counter to IR-level variables. The variable stack facilitates “de-stacking” of NWScript stack variables, plus lifetime management for these variables (once a variable is popped off of the variable stack, the code analyzer knows that its logical lifetime has ended, thus allowing this information to be conveyed in the form of an emitted I_DELETE IR instruction).

Parameter and return value variables can simply be placed on the variable stack (and appropriately flagged) when analysis begins at a particular subroutine; because the structural analysis phase has discovered the number of individual stack cells devoted to parameters and return values for each subroutine, tracking of these constructs within the code analyzer simply boils down to creating untyped variables on the variable stack before NWScript instruction in a particular subroutine is analyzed.

Type-equivalence chains

The code analysis phase discovers variable types by linking variables that can be inferred to have a similar type together into a type equivalence chain. (Type equivalence chain links may be formed by operations such as a subroutine call, or an assignment, where both sides of the operation are known to yield the same type, though that type might not be immediately known.)

Initially, the type equivalence chain may have an indetermine type, but once a typed stack reference is made to any variable in a chain, the types of all associated variables become known. (Only variables that are copied on the NWScript stack but never referenced for a specific operation can remain untyped after code analysis completes when using this system. Since these variables are, by nature, extraneous, leaving them as untyped does not present a problem to program correctness.)

The type-equivalence chain system can be used for strong type discovery because the NWScript stack itself is strongly typed; any time an operation will actually be performed on a variable, its type is specified in the instruction operands embedded in the instruction stream. Thus, once the type of any variable in a type equivalence chain has been uncovered, the types of all other variables are instantly known. (One exception to this is struct/struct comparisons, which are simply a comparison over a range of stack space without a specific type provided. Other references to all variables involved will always have resolved the types involved unless one of the structs was passed as a parameter to the entry point symbol; entry point symbols do not support struct parameters though, precluding that from becoming a problem.)

IR instruction generation

IR instruction generation in the code analysis phase operates by decoding the current NWScript instruction, picking up the actual IR-level variable operands from the variable stack, and creating an IR-level instruction object linking the variables together with the IR instruction descriptor.

Some NWScript instructions may turn into multiple IR instructions (such as a struct/struct NWScript-level OP_EQUAL/OP_NEQUAL comparison instruction, which must produce I_LOGOR/I_LOGAND instructions to combine the result of each successive I_EQUAL/I_NEQUAL comparision in order to form the final result).

Post-processing phase

Similarly, the post-processing phase walks the generated, now functional IR and attempts to fold extraneous temporaries into their parent variables (among other optimization-related tasks). Temporary folding is useful because the raw translation of NWScript instructions to IR-level instructions yields numerous temporaries (reflections of NWScript instructions copying data to the top of the stack for a particular operation); these temporaries can be proven to be removable in many cases. While the JIT backend generally emits code to a system with its own embedded optimizer, eliminating these temporaries reduces the size of the IR (and the output of a non-optimizing JIT backend).

It’s important to note that this overview is a simplification; there are some tricky cases that need special handling, such as merging two control flows (and their associated variables) together.

Once the IR is produced, the JIT backend takes over. The JIT backend is handed a completed IR for the program to JIT; it then assumes responsibility for lowering the NWScript IR into the native form emitted by the JIT backend.

Coming up: Examining the MSIL (.NET) JIT backend in more detail.


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